BIRD’S EYE VIEW - Claudio Durando - A contemplation of infinite variations on the landscape of the Langhe Region (Piedmont, Italy), observed from an unusual point of view. A bird’s eye view. Meshing land registry’s blueprints with shades of green, yellow, ochre to capture and symbolize the archaic fragmentation of various plots of land, patches of grass, vineyards, houses and fields. From the exhibit Con lo sguardo di Icaro - Maps, Geography, itineraries.

CLAUDIO DURANDO è nato in Italia a Dogliani nel 1959 dove vive e lavora. Artista autodidatta, dall’età di 15 anni dipinge traendo costante ispirazione dalle colline di Langa e dalla natura circostante, cercando di trasmettere nei suoi dipinti il senso di serenità ed armonia caratteristiche della sua indole. Le sue opere sono ospitate in varie mostre collettive e personali. Dipinge prevalentemente ad olio, o con la tecnica del collage su materiali diversi di piccolo e grande formato. Recentemente, insieme alla moglie ed altri artisti, ha organizzato Flash mob di natura artistica (tra i quali STUMSE e CITU) coinvolgendo bambini, ragazzi delle scuole, centri socio assistenziali di sostegno ai disabili, commercianti e passanti in una vera e propria operazione di comunicazione collettiva.
Claudio Durando was born in Italy, in Dogliani in 1959 where he lives and works. Self-taught artist, since he was a teenager he finds inspiration for his paintings in the Langhe’s hills and the surrounding nature, trying to convey, with his art, his inner harmonic outlook on life and laid back attitude. His works are featured in various collective and personal exhibits. He mainly does oil pantings or sometimes experiments with collage techniques, on big and small materials. With his wife and other artists, he has recently organized artistic Flash Mobs (such as STUMSE and CITU) involving children, students, community centers and organizations that help the disabled, store owners and passerby, in social experiences that focus on communication.